Transparency International Turkey

About TI Turkey
Uluslararası Şeffaflık Derneği (TI -Turkey) shares the principles and visions of Transparency International (TI). TI-Turkey is the national representative of TI, the global coalition against corruption which has national chapters in more than 90 countries.
TI-Turkey was founded in 2008 by voluntary efforts. The association aims to set the rule of transparency, integrity and accountability principles in all segments of the society for the democratic, social and economic development of the country.
TI-Turkey perceives corruption as a major source of social, economic and political crises and an obstacle on the way of economic development, rule of law, competitiveness and proper usage of natural resources. TI-Turkey predicates on collaboration of public sector, businesses, unions, universities, professional chambers, and non-governmental organizations in the scope of its anti-corruption efforts. It expects legibility, integrity, legal conformity, accountability and traceability from all individuals and institutions in society who constitutes the social structure and/or holds public power and conducts its activities within the frame of these principles.
Cerebra’s Contribution to TI Turkey
Cerebra managing partner Fikret Sebilcioğlu has been a member of the Board of Directors of Transparency International Association since 2017.
Cerebra executives have been giving lectures to university students on ethics, compliance, anti-corruption and anti-fraud issues at the Transparency Summer School organized by TI Turkey since 2018.